FUBCON: Las Vegas

FUBCON: Las Vegas Sb Interactive Photo Studios collaborated with FUBCON, by providing a 1 day custom photo opportunity by way of Roaming Photo Studios. For this activation, we featured: Kiosk Style: Sb: Roaming Studio Studio Options: Custom Photo Output Additional Options: Microsite & analytics, Custom text/email delivery

Big Bus Tours: Las Vegas

Big Bus Tours: Las Vegas Sb Interactive Photo Studios participated in the Big Bus Tours: Las Vegas Annual Concierge Party, by providing a fun photo opportunity by way of kiosk and roamer. For this activation, we featured: Kiosk Style:  Sb: Ring Light, Sb: Vagabond Studio Options: Boomerang Studio, digital photos, Read more…

Casa Noble Tequila

Casa Noble Sb Interactive participated in Casa Noble Tequila’s cocktail contest by roaming the Las Vegas venues with our Vagabond Roaming Photo Studio, encouraging shares to social media and reporting back on the results. For this activation, we featured: Kiosk Style:  Sb: Roamer Studio Options: Digital Photos Additional Options: Microsite Read more…

Connect Expo

Connect Expo The Connect Expo is a business to business conference hosted by the Chamber of Commerce for the city of Henderson, NV. In 2018 the conference was held at the Green Valley Ranch Hotel Casino and Sb Interactive Photo Studios decided to take advantage of the opportunity and participated Read more…